(CC English Subtitles)
感謝Bigme的邀請,讓我有機會試用他們早前推出25.3吋Kaleido 3彩色顯示器B251,它也是我歷來開箱過最大件的電子產品呢!今回先為大家進行開箱,包括介紹該顯示器的外觀及有關配件,以及安裝示範。希望透過這回影片,先對這產品的質感有所了解。
1. 盒內配件 Accessories inside the box
2. 外觀細節 Appearance Details
3. 如何安裝 How to install
4. 稱重 Weighing
#bigme #B251 #einkmonitor #kaleido3 #unboxing #開箱 #大我 #電子墨水 #顯示器 #eink #寧心舍 #積塵 #香港 #粵語 #英國
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If you or your friends or family are in the UK and need to purchase an e-reader, feel free to check out my online store: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk
goBelt C1手機指環: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk/products/daistes-gobelt-c1
doodroo類紙膜: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk/collections/doodroo
若你願意支持我繼續製作影片,歡迎buy me a coffee;想學習硬筆書法的,可成為我的月費會員,感謝。
If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro
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