在此感謝Reinkstore繼去年的Reink Case後,在今年年頭再寄來其新一代產品Reink Case C1給我試用及評測。比起上一代,C1有什麼不同呢?多了一隻色,共可呈現四色的E-Ink面板,在圖像顯示上又有如何的進步呢?希望透過這一回影片,讓觀眾了解這個甚具玩味的新品特色及其質感。
1. 開箱 unboxing
2. 外觀介紹及稱重 Appearance introduction and Weighing
3. 新支架實測 New Support Frame Test
4. 新E-Ink面板效果及NFC傳輸實測 New E-Ink panel performance and NFC transmission test
5. 無線充電功能 Wireless Charging Function
6. 用後評價 Post-use evaluation
#reinkstone #reinkcaseC1 #iphone14 #iphone14pro #unboxing #review #開箱 #手機配件 #評測 #EInk #寧心舍 #積塵 #香港 #粵語 #英國
Reinkstone Reink Case C1: https://reinkstone.com/collections/reink-case-c1
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If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro
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