(CC English Subtitles)
先在此感謝Reinkstore在四月時寄來其新產品Reink Case給我試用及評測。作為一個E-Ink愛好者,看到手機殼配有一個E-Ink屏,能通過APP隨時刷新不同的畫面,是深具玩味的事情。希望透過這一回影片,讓觀眾了解這個趣味新品的特色、使用實況及長短處。
.開箱 unboxing
.外觀介紹 Appearance introduction
.如何應用E-Ink屏及刷新實況 How to set up an E-Ink screen and demonstrate its refresh in practice.
.五大主題展示及使用建議 Five major themes display and usage recommendations.
.產品可改善之處 Areas for product improvement
.用後評價 Post-use evaluation
.它有magsafe功能嗎? Does it have MagSafe functionality?
若你身在香港/澳門,對小巧的Poke5,或者是用Kaleido 3面板的兩部新彩機,10.3吋的文石的Tab Ultra C 及 7.8吋的讀墨mooInk Plus2C感興趣的話,請參看下方最新的優惠POST;若欲購買文石/讀墨電子閱讀器,或有任何疑問,歡迎隨時去臉書「寧心舍」、Instagram或E-Reader Pro網店即時聊天泡泡傳訊給我。😉
《文石BOOX Poke5新機特色 及 優惠推廣(05/05/23)》
《讀墨mooInk Plus 2C 港澳優惠推廣(05/03/23)》
《文石BOOX新型號 彩色10.3吋Tab Ultra C特色及規格簡介 暨 寧心舍港澳預售優惠》(26/4/23)
#reinkstone #reinkcase #iphone14 #iphone14pro #unboxing #review #開箱 #手機配件 #評測 #EInk #寧心舍 #積塵 #香港 #粵語 #英國
If you or your friends or family are in the UK and need to purchase an e-reader, feel free to check out my online store: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk
若你願意支持我繼續製作影片,歡迎buy me a coffee;想學習硬筆書法的,可成為我的月費會員,感謝。
If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro
Matters: https://matters.news/@cwpjack6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JustJack614
Blogger: http://justjack06.blogspot.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/peacefulheart614/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@JCfromHK