元太科技在Touch Taiwan 2024展示各種最新電子紙技術、澳門公共圖書館推出免費珍貴電子書古籍資源【E-INK WEEKLY 24年5月#028】
(CC English Subtitles)
若果你想輕鬆了解E-Ink世界的新資訊,記得定期收看【E-INK WEEKLY 】! 每回新聞皆附有短評,為大家帶來多一點思考,也十分歡迎你留言分享意見。
1. e讀新聞:澳門公共圖書館推出免費電子書古籍資源,豐富文化傳承
2. E-Ink新聞:來了解一下元太科技在Touch Taiwan 2024展示的一系列最新電子紙技術吧!
Selected E-Ink news from the past two week are as follows:
1. e-Reading news: Macau Public Library launches free e-book ancient book resources to enrich cultural heritage
2. E-Ink News: Let’s learn about a series of the latest electronic paper technologies displayed by E Ink Technology at Touch Taiwan 2024!
Macau Public Library. Collection of precious ancient e-books
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If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro
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