可太陽能充電的E-Ink閱讀器?、B&N NOOK將發布新型號、內建ChatGPT的彩機Pubu Pubook Pro、全球首款8吋摺疊閱讀器研發中?【E-INK WEEKLY 23年4月#010】

2 min readApr 24, 2023


(CC English Subtitles)
若果你想輕鬆了解E-Ink世界的新資訊,記得訂閱 我的Youtube頻道,留意定期發布的【E-INK WEEKLY 】!

00:27 E-Ink新聞:可能快將出現搭載太陽能,免充電的E-Ink電子閱讀器!
02:00 E-Ink新品:B&N NOOK即將推出新一代電子閱讀器
03:40 E-Ink新品:Pubu Pubook Pro──硬件堆滿,內建ChatGPT的 10.3 吋彩色閱讀器
05:55 E-Ink新聞:E Ink x Readmoo讀墨,正合力研發全球首款 8吋 摺疊電子書閱讀器

Last week’s E-Ink news is as follows:
1. E-Ink News: A solar-powered E-Ink e-reader that doesn’t require charging may soon be available!
2. New E-Ink product: Barnes & Noble is about to release a new generation e-reader.
3. New E-Ink product: Pubu Pubook Pro, Powerful hardware, 10.3-inch color e-reader with built-in ChatGPT.
4. E-Ink News: E Ink and Readmoo are collaborating to develop the world’s first 8-inch foldable e-book reader.

#EINKWEEKLY #eink #tounchtaiwan2023 #exeger #powerfoyle #nook #pubu #pubookpro #kaleido3 #chatgpt #readmoo #gallery3 #foldable #積塵 #EINK新聞 #產品快訊

If you or your friends or family are in the UK and need to purchase an e-reader, feel free to check out my online store: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk


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If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.

歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro

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Written by 積塵

寧心舍為小子積塵雜文集結之地,題材不拘,隨興而動筆,皆所愛。 只願容避世俗之擾,尋一寧心之所,若東坡語:「此心安處是吾鄉。」 寧心舍:https://justjack06.blogspot.com 面書專頁:https://www.facebook.com/JustJack614

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