(好物推介)ERGOMI支架評測(Titan No.6/ Ares Mega/ Titan Lite)──6吋至13.3吋閱讀器皆有合適好拍檔
感謝台灣RJ Concept雅街嚴選及ergomi讓我有機會試用及評測這三款可供不同尺寸閱讀器(電話及筆記本也有合適的款呢)使用的支架!若你正在為閱讀器尋找好拍檔,希望在使用時帶給你最穩固的支持,令肩、頸、手也可舒服些,可能我這一回的影片能幫到你!
1. 開箱Titan No.6 Unboxing Titan No.6
2. Titan No.6實測(Boox Page/HyRead Gaze Plus CC) Titan No.6 Actual Application Testing
3. 開箱Ares Mega Unboxing Ares Mega
4. Ares Mega實測(Boox Tab Ultra) Ares Mega Actual Application Testing
5. 開箱Titan Lite Unboxing Titan Lite
6. Titan Lite實測(HyRead Gaze Plus CC/Boox Tab X/筆記本) Titan Lite Actual Application Testing
7. 稱重實測 Weighing measurement
8. 甚麼人適合買它們? Who should buy them?
由於我評測後對產品質量十分滿意,故此厚顏(!)向品牌方請求,成功為我的支持者取得一個寧心舍專屬折扣碼JC10(是給予支持者的福利,本人在當中並無分成),你可在ergomi官網(美國)及RJ Concept雅街嚴選購物時可以全商店九折(10% off),使用期限到10月31日止,希望大家喜歡,尋得適合的閱讀器好拍檔。(網站連結在留言處)
ergomi官網(美國): https://store-ergomi-design.com
RJ Concept雅街嚴選: https://www.rjconceptstore.com
ergomi產品頁(台灣): https://www.rjconceptstore.com/ergomi
Titan №6: https://www.rjconceptstore.com/ergomi/ma54
Ares Mega: https://www.rjconceptstore.com/ergomi/ca40
Titan Lite: https://www.rjconceptstore.com/ergomi/ca31#ergomi
#rjconcept #台灣設計 #titanno6 #aresmega #titanlite #phonestand #tabletstand #magnetic #ereader #accessories #支架 #新品試用 #好物推介 #寧心舍 #積塵 #香港 #粵語 #英國 #uk
If you or your friends or family are in the UK and need to purchase an e-reader, feel free to check out my online store: https://www.ereaderpro.co.uk
若你願意支持我繼續製作影片,歡迎buy me a coffee;想學習硬筆書法的,可成為我的月費會員,感謝。
If you are willing to support me in continuing to make videos, you are welcome to buy me a coffee. For those who want to learn traditional calligraphy, you can become a monthly member. Thank you.
歐楷線上硬筆自習課程介紹 Introduction to Ou-Style Calligraphy Self-Study Course: https://sites.google.com/view/peacefulheart-calligr-intro