自製E-Ink手錶qpaper、懂變色的小米CyberDog 2、創新Polaroid相機、加拿大新型數字屏幕候車亭【E-INK WEEKLY 23年9月#021】(w/ENG SUB)
(CC English Subtitles)
若果你想輕鬆了解E-Ink世界的新資訊,記得訂閱 我的Youtube頻道,留意定期發布的【E-INK WEEKLY 】!
1. E-Ink新品:qpaper──用LilyGo開發板及自研系統,製作出自己的E-Ink手錶
2. E-Ink新品:小米CyberDog 2的隱藏版本──E Ink Prism™電子紙的嶄新應用
3. E-Ink新品:創新的Instant Framed Camera──在遠端的E-Ink相架再現Polaroid相片
4. E-Ink新聞:寒冷天氣下的舒適候車──密西沙加市新型數字屏幕候車亭測試
Selected E-Ink news from the past few week are as follows:
1. New E-Ink Products: qpaper──using LilyGo development board and self-developed system to make your own E-Ink watch
2. New E-Ink Products: Hidden version of Xiaomi CyberDog 2──A new application of E Ink Prism™ electronic paper
3. New E-Ink Products: Innovative Instant Framed Camera──Reproduce Polaroid photos on the remote E-Ink photo frame
4. E-Ink News: Comfortable Waiting in Cold Weather──Test of New Digital Screen Bus Shelter in Mississauga
#EINKWEEKLY #eink #qpaper #lilygo #watch #xiaomi #cyberdog2 #einkprism #polaroidcamera #mississauga #RLCD #busshelter #EINK新品 #EINK新聞 #產品快訊
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